How I called ESL on their Anti-Doping Policy and they didn’t say shit.

ESL released a statement about their new Anti-Doping Policy after some CSGO pro players (Semphis) openly admitted to using Adderall to enhance their performance, during an Interview with Launders CstrikeI called ESL out on this on Reddit & Twitter. ESL is operating an event in San Jose, CA soon. If you are going to make money here in the United States, you need to abide by US Law.

ESL states that players could indeed use “performance enhancing drugs” such as Adderall, if they were prescribed that by a doctor for legitimate medical reasons. The player would have to show proof that they had a prescription. Thats fine. I called ESL out in how they would be capturing and holding the medical data in accordance with HIPAA law here in the US. They refused to answer me after calling them out on Reddit and Twitter and of course those that didn’t understand my concern, down voted me to hell.

I have no qualms with people wanting to use Adderall or not. My issue is with how ESL was planning on just implementing this policy, making players share sensitive medical information and keeping a recorded file of that information, without it being done so in accordance to HIPAA. You don’t just get to jump across the pond and enjoy making money in the US without following the rules here. ESL still hasn’t released information on how they will be HIPAA compliant with this medical data for the US events.



Avid FPS Gamer, Pro Second Amendment, Logical Thinker & IT Help Desk Slave. He doesn't understand why the world can't comprehend that the 4th, different looking popup about that free vacation, is fake.