According to, Instagram is implementing support for Landscape photos. HOLY SHIT! No more shitty, square photos? HOLY FUCK BATMAN! Go get my pipe Watson, we’re gonna smoke this bitch out.
They mention in this article, that Instagram mentions that “Square has always been apart of our identity and who we are.” – Listen, Instahomos – Everyone HATES that square format. EVERYONE! Because all the photos uploaded are down scaled and made to look like they were taken with a PunJabiFujiPotato2000 and then processed on an old film table made of used toiletries.
There is a really “cool” plus side to this – well, cool if you like only have 15 seconds to upload a video. The widescreen landscape support is native and will port directly to video recording as well. You know, like every other video service on the internet has been doing for the past 3 years. Welcome to the party Instagram. You are like that dude who showed up late to the High School Junior Kegger and Joe McSwaggins just knocked out the biggest dude on the football team and everyone starts telling you that you JUST MISSED IT.
In all honesty though, who gives a shit? I stopped caring about Instagram when people decided to post photos with 50 hashtags. I’m not sure why I still have one.